Tuesday, November 20, 2007


yesterday I met with my secret tribe where we shared our early life secrets of history, knowledge, perspective, truth and abuse.

At first it made me feel uncomfortable but as time went on as we revealed ourselves to each other we became closer and more comfortable with each other. Almost like family at the Thanksgiving table but without the arguing. Ha!

I must admit that at first I thought getting together and sharing our stories were self flagellation's and ego tripping but it turned out to be more than I had expected or anticipated.

Since this is a secret society with the clear intentions of keeping names, places, events all that pertains to a life is private and privileged, I shall gladly keep the secrets and publish this brief post without any photos or detailed information.

Mysterious, isn't it?

Saturday, November 17, 2007

It seems...

...after many chats with people that I've met through the quiet, exciting and turbulent years that everyone has a story to tell. Not all stories are interesting, exciting or new but they're stories from the heart never the less.

During the listening times of story telling many would say to me, "well I haven't told anyone about this but when I was 16 I ran away from home to pursue a career in the circus and was immediately rejected after they discovered I could not perform the basic ball juggling feat required of cirrus performers. So I headed back home and eventually became a wife, mother and grandmother advising the Little ones never to join the circus."

The event was as important as it was revealing to someone - anyone who would listen. Almost as though retelling a story never shared with anyone before was a cathartic experience. Once shared, it was over and done with and they would go on with their merry lives. Until then it was a knot in their stomach which needed to be unraveled or removed.

Sometimes life can me that simple. Reveal a secret and move on with your life.

Give it a try if you dare or so desire.

Seeking new stories but please keep them appropriate if you want your comments published.

Thank you.